How do you save a collection of tabs?

How do you save a collection of tabs?

We've all been through this. You're zipping around the Web, engrossed in a research or creative project, and suddenly you're submerged in an ocean of browser tabs. The thought of losing out on a big-shot web page or the fact that you are going to forget that awesome article you casually bumped into flashes in your mind. 

Not only are there lots of open tabs to look at, but you also need to figure out a way to save them and make your schedule lighter, which may result in a higher productivity level. Mindlessly accumulating tabs is a better solution than the others:  saving them in the most useful way instead of just leaving them there.

If you ever struggled to figure out how to save tabs in a batch, without the loss of any important information, then you are in the right place. Now be prepared to learn some practical tools for saving and managing your tabs.

Built-In Browser Solutions

The majority of contemporary browsers are designed with tabs saving functions. Here is how to implement this functionality:

1. Bookmark All Tabs:

  • Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox: Right-click on a tab to choose the "Bookmark all tabs" option, which will result in all your tabs being saved in a single directory within your bookmarks bar.
  • Safari: For the same effect, choose the "Add Bookmarks for These X Tabs" option in the Bookmarks menu.

Although it's a quick way to bookmark all tabs, it can result in your bookmarks bar being really cluttered and therefore, harder to find some tabs.

2. Use the Reading List:

  • Safari: The Reading List function permits to you to keep the web pages saved to read them later. By simply hitting the share button and selecting "Add to Reading List," you can achieve this. The feature is the utmost for saving articles that you desire to get back to later.

Browser Extensions for Tab Management

If you are looking to improve your tab organization Skills, consider installing a plethora of browser extensions, specifically dedicated to saving and managing tabs. An impressive list could be:

1. PlutoAI:

PlutoAI is not just another bookmarking tool; it revolutionizes the way you manage your browsing sessions. With its intelligent AI-driven recommendations, PlutoAI helps you save, categorize, and retrieve your tabs effortlessly. Whether you're working on multiple projects or just trying to declutter your browser, with PlutoAI you can ensure that your tabs are organized in a way that boosts productivity and reduces the time spent searching for information

2. OneTab:

OneTab reduces memory usage and cleans up your browser by converting all your opened tabs into a list. The software offers the option to reload a tab or all of them in case of need.

3. Toby:

Toby brings customization and the latest workspace to the new tab page, where you can stash collections of tabs. This extension is a great tool for grouping tabs logically based on the project or category.

4. Session Buddy:

Session Buddy is a Chrome extension that allows you to save and manage sessions of tabs. At the same time, it offers a mechanism to get lost tabs back in case your browser restarts. It represents a precious source for those who regularly have to handle tens of browser tabs.

Why Tab Managers Aren't Enough

While tab managers allow you to do some basic actions for managing your tabs to make your browsing experience more efficient, it's important that you know about some of the advanced functionalities which you can use to make your Tab Management experience even better.

PlutoAI has inbuilt advanced features which have been designed for the user to not only manage tabs but save, retrieve and organize these tabs for later access.

Advanced Tab Management with PlutoAI   

If you're looking for a comprehensive solution that goes beyond basic tab saving, consider PlutoAI, an advanced bookmarking manager that leverages AI technology. PlutoAI is designed to help you save tabs and manage your online information seamlessly.

Key Features of PlutoAI:

Group your tabs in collections

Use a list of tabs frequently, PlutoAI allows you to save these tabs in your desired collections easily. You can save the tabs, easily access them anytime you want, and never lose track of your favorite tabs.  

Simple list view of all the open windows

Clean view with all the open windows listed neatly. You can expand or collapse all the widows to view all your open tabs across multiple windows.

Manage and access your tabs easily

No matter how many different windows and open tabs you have on your browser, PlutoAI is here to ease your tab management. You can rearrange the tabs within the window, move the tabs easily from one window to another, or simply jump into any tab by clicking on the tab in the tab manager.

Finding the right tab in a sea of open pages can be daunting. PlutoAI’s smart search feature employs contextual understanding to help you locate any tab swiftly. This intelligent search function goes beyond simple keyword matching, understanding the context of your search to deliver precise results.

Save sessions

If you are working with a group of tabs and want to access them on a regular basis, you can save them as sessions for easy access later. You can conveniently rename the session if you want to separate your multiple saved sessions.


Managing too many tabs and forgetting to save your tab before closing the window or closing an important window by mistake. Don’t worry, we have got you covered. With PlutoAI you can set up automatic time intervals when you’d want to take a snapshot of your browser. With this, even if you close your browser by mistake you can always go back in time to view your session at that time.

Tips for Effective Tab Management

Here are some additional tips to help you manage your tabs more effectively:

Regularly Clean Up Your Tabs:

Take a few minutes each day to review and close tabs you no longer need. This practice helps keep your browser organized and reduces clutter.

Use Multiple Windows for Different Projects:

If you're working on multiple projects, consider opening separate browser windows for each one. This way, you can keep related tabs together and switch between projects more easily.

Leverage Keyboard Shortcuts:

Learn and use keyboard shortcuts for tab management (e.g., Ctrl+Shift+D to bookmark all tabs, Ctrl+W to close a tab). These shortcuts can save you time and make tab management more efficient.


Any person that has many tabs in their browser does not have to be stressed too much. By having the necessary tools, you can get your tabs saved, organized, and retrieved way easier. No matter if you use the inherent functions of your browser, the likes of OneTab, which is an add-on, or a solution as powerful as PlutoAI, there is always going to be a method that suits your needs.

Options of built-in tabs offer the opportunity for saving with minimum installation. The extensions OneTab and Toby are highly recommended for project management people. The first and foremost bowler PlutoAI puts all its chips in, however, is the efficiency of its AI-powered functions.

PlutoAI supports you in saving and managing your online data effortlessly through its smart summarization, intelligent tagging, and increased search capabilities. By connecting the devices together, you can dispense your sorted tabs and bookmarks from any spot, hence the process of task execution is a breeze.

Is your tab management experience still not good? Download the PlutoAI bookmarking manager today and enjoy AI-powered tab saving and organization. Get the time-management tips you've never heard of. You will have a unique and original browsing experience, thus, you will get all the work done fast. With the PlutoAI device, you can have a better time at work, and at home just switch on your PC and you have all the useful shortcuts. Enjoy the future where everything is done for you with the help of PlutoAI!